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Golden National School, Golden, Cashel


2020/2021 School Year

28th Apr 2021
Golden National School is running a clothing collection in conjunction with Bag2School...
26th Apr 2021
Today Juniors and Seniors were lucky enough to receive a Zoom call from Sarah D’Arcy...
23rd Apr 2021
We really enjoyed reading “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” this...
27th Mar 2021
The whole school was proud to take part in this year’s Daffodil Day fundraiser...
27th Mar 2021
The girls and boys of Junior and Senior Infants arrived to the classroom to find...
25th Mar 2021
Congratulations to Amie, Gemma, Jack, Eoghan, Katie & Bronagh on their big...
25th Mar 2021
Our girls and boys in Rang 5 & 6 created some wonderful Easter chicks this week...
25th Mar 2021
Harry Magee R.I.P Sunday, March 28th 2021 marks the First Anniversary of our...
17th Mar 2021
Our class really got into the spirit of things yesterday for our Lá Glas...
14th Mar 2021
Our new iPads are finally ready for action! Míle buíochas to our...