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Golden National School, Golden, Cashel

Work for 3rd/4th Class Week Beginning May 25th

24th May 2020

Hi everyone!


I hope you are all keeping well and enjoyed the sunshine today! (Sunday) Looks like we have a lovely week of weather ahead so I hope you all get to make the most of it outdoors!

Please find below schoolwork for the week ahead.



Let's Go: It's a Monster - pgs 158 - 163. Pg 164 - C & D (all questions)

Spellbound: Week 31 (pgs 64/65)

English in Practice: Please complete one 'day', every day.



We are all at slightly different points in our Work It Out book so please continue with Friday tests if you have any left!

Also, please continue with the two remaining worksheets on the topic of money. 

Please revise x9 tables




Please continue with three rows everyday. I've seen a big improvement in the handwriting since the workbooks went home so well done!! Keep up the great work!



Ciara sa Seomra Folctha - read and answer questions 1-8 

Fuaimneanna agus Focail - many of you are finished or almost finished. Please continue with the next unit if not finished yet.